Welcome to Aberdeen Blueberry Wellness

Aberdeen Blueberry Wellness (ABW) is a fitness education company working with ActiveIQ and supported by Chartered Institute of the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA) to provide industry standard fitness education.

Any students wishing to invest in their own skills and fitness education with Blueberry will naturally be supporting people in the regeneration areas of Aberdeen. Any profit that Blueberry makes will be reinvested to give people opportunities in education and employment where it currently doesn’t exist.

Our motto is Wellness in EVERY community.
Once again, our profit will be used to twin classes across town to build relationships between communities.

Why are we called Blueberry, because a blueberry is the healthiest thing you can eat!
Let’s be healthy together and build your future.

Learn more about us…    

Find out how you can better yourself within your community today!