The St. James’s Place Charitable Foundation funds small and medium sized charities across the UK and overseas working with children who are disadvantaged physically, socially or economically. We also fund hospices, mental health charities and cancer support charities. We heartily thank St. James’s place Charitable Foundation for sponsoring one of our students. It is a great honour and we hope to maintain this relation in future as well.
Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership’s primary focus is to improve the health and wellbeing of our citizens and address health inequalities in the city through the planning and delivery of health and social care services in Aberdeen. We sincerely thank them for sharing our goals of community collaboration to enhance wellbeing and for their sponsorship, which enables us to empower the people of Aberdeen to lead longer and healthier lives
The Fairer Aberdeen Fund, allocated by the City Council to address poverty and deprivation, is managed by the Fairer Aberdeen Board, a subgroup of the Community Planning Partnership. Representatives from priority areas, the Civic Forum, Council, NHS Grampian, Police Scotland, and ACVO oversee its dispersal. The Fairer Aberdeen program aligns with the Local Outcome Improvement Plan themes: Economy, Children and Young People, and Adults.ABW aligns our aims with the same Local Outcome Improvement Plan, for people to live more years in good health and for people and communities to be supported to manage their health and we extend our gratitude for their sponsorship.